Sunday, September 03, 2006

Marselis run 12 km

Marselis run is over. I was a bit anxious in the beginning, probably because of all the people and the tension but when we got started, I focused on running instead.

My plan was to keep my pulse at no more than around 160-165 for the first kilometers because I knew that the killer hill would come after 6 km. That did not exactly work out as planned because I followed the crowd but still "listened" to my body and monitored my pulse and speed.

After 6 km, the hill came. Oh my oh my. It was pretty hard but I decided that I would not stop running. Some other runners did that but I wanted to get a good time so I kept running, despite my pulse was in the red zone most of the time.

4 kilometres before goal, I got "sidestik", the thing when it hurts in the side. I have no idea what it's called in english :-) So I had to reduce the speed, that was a shame because if I ran 1 minute and 55 seconds faster, I would have got a "star time". But hey, it was still five minutes and four seconds faster than last year.

Avg. pulse: 170
Max pulse: 177
Avg. speed: 13.35 km/h
Ascent: 145 metres

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